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Network Integration / UNIX Administration Services

Solsource provides a complete Network Integration and UNIX Administration Service for Networks with limited MIS resources and large customers who are simply too busy. Our Network Integration managers use a proven set of procedures that cement an accurate scope of projects and completion of these projects on schedule. Solsource has mastered the discipline of Network Integration management through years of assisting customers with solutions. Our Network Integration starts with the architecture and design phases and progresses through the solution integration, deployment, and ongoing support.

Project Scope

As the integration service provider, Solsource's Client Network Integration managers track all key elements of the project.

Integrating Your Network

Solsource allows your existing network to talk to UNIX and we provide:

Solsource provides Sun Microsystems and complete network system solutions, including secure Internet access from the desktop to the enterprise class data centers. Our vast UNIX expertise and Sun Competency 2000 certification affords us the ability to service your network or build one from scratch. As Sun Microsystems' largest San Diego VAR, we combine networking hardware, data management software, and a full compliment of services. Solsource has strategic partnerships with Sun Microsystems, Cisco Systems, CERFnet, and Netscape Communications. Our unique ability to combine resources makes Solsource the premier choice for enterprise-class Sun Solaris solutions. We have an untiring commitment to customer satisfaction by offering our solutions and services at a fair price.

For Network Integration and UNIX Administration Services, only Solsource's dedicated team of engineers offer the resources that allow you to improve your PRODUCTIVITY THROUGH TECHNOLOGYTM .

VISIT our web site or CALL US at 800-858-4405 today.
